preços / locais / descrição
prices / locations / desription
Local / Location | Descrição / Description | Preço / Price |
**Lisboa - Campo Pequeno | 3 lavar * 4 secar / 3 wash m * 4 dryers | Trespasse/Business: €140.000 |
*Lumiar | 3 lavar * 3 secar / 3 wash m * 3 dryers + engomadoria/ironing | Trespasse/Business: €80.000 Real - Imóvel/Real Estate: €180.000 |
*Queluz | 3 lavar * 4 secar / 3 wash m * 4 dryers | Trespasse/Business: €70.000 Real - Imóvel/Real Estate: €80.000 |
**Amadora | 3 lavar * 4 secar / 3 wash m * 4 dryers | Trespasse/Business: €70.000 |
*Olivais Sul | 3 lavar * 4 secar / 3 wash m * 4 dryers + engomadoria/ironing+2 washing machines for staff private use | Trespasse/Business: €150.000 Real - Imóvel/Real Estate: €250.000 |
**Sacavém-Prior Velho | 4 lavar * 3 secar / 4 wash m * 3 dryers | Trespasse/Business: €45.000 |
* Lojas com imóvel próprio. A venda do imóvel só será feita com a venda do negócio.
* Store owned by the business owner. The sale of the property will only be made with the sale of the business.
** Negócio num imóvel arrendado.
** Business in a rented store.